Spring 2024

Twenty-three fruits, veggies and ice cream made with Miyuki beads.

As the daughter of a Chef, I have always been obsessed by food, particularly desserts. In my new body of work, I use Miyuki beads, tiny Japanese glass beads which I sew directly on the canvas. It allows me to highlight the deliciousness of the food, bringing back fond memories of my childhood. Each canvas took fifteen to twenty hours to complete.

Ice creams bring back to my childhood, sweet memories of the ice cream truck, the stickiness of the cream on my fingers and summer time. And this is what I want people to feel when they look at my beaded ice creams

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Fall 2023

Fourteen oil on wood paintings of fruits, veggies and flowers in thrifted frames. This series is about all these little things that make life more enjoyable 😊

My father passed away suddenly last September. I learned during this grief period to find nuggets of light in the little things. Sometimes, it was a bunch of flowers in a mug, or the sweet smell of a pumpkin pie or just biting into a pear. Really using my senses to get outside my head and enjoy the present moment.

I combined here my vintage love and my art love by mounting my paintings in thrifted frames, all thrifted by yours truly!

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FALL 2022

Six oil paintings on paper of fruits and veggies

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